EFPT Exchange Working Group
Dr Maria Orlova
Dr Astrid Lugtenburg, co-chair (The Netherlands)
Dr Angela Haselgove, co-chair (United Kingdom)
Past-chair and senior adviser:
Dr Marisa Casanova Dias (UK)
Local coordinators January-July 2013:
Offering vacancies:
- Croatia, Marina Fistonic
- Denmark, Rene Sjælland
- Ireland, Emam El-Higaya, Christina Sim
- France, Grenoble: Adrien Pontarollo; Paris: Clara Feteanu
- Italy, Duccio Papanti
- Portugal, Inês Silva Fernandes
- Romania, Alexandra Pascan
- Slovenia, Marko Saje
- Spain, Helen Trebbau; Rosa Molina
- The Netherlands, Astrid Lugtenburg
- United Kingdom, Angela Haselgrove
The founder local cordinators were:
Dr Nikolina Jovanovic (Croatia) *
Dr Alex Nawka (Czech Republic)
Dr Rene Sjaelland (Denmark) *
Dr Marina Cojocaru (Estonia)
Dr Henna Haravuori (Finland)
Dr Elodie del Valle (France) *
Dr Fran Baessler (Germany)
Dr Achilleas Economou (Greece)
Dr Rafail Psaras (Greece)
Dr Elizabeth Barrett (Ireland)*
Dr Nikita Bezborodovs (Latvia)
Dr Mariana Pinto da Costa (Portugal)*
Dr Maria Orlova (Russia)
Dr Marko Saje (Slovenia)
Dr Helen Trebbau (Spain)*
Dr Marisa Casanova Dias (U.K.)*
*Offered vacancies at that phase
The European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees (EFPT) - www.efpt.eu - is an independent federation of psychiatric trainees associations. The EFPT is officially recognized by the European Board of Psychiatry and European Board of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The Federation will serve psychiatric trainees in all branches of psychiatry all over Europe.
The EFPT has long had a strong desire to create an opportunity for psychiatric trainees to go on exchange.
The EFPT acknowledges the impact of growing mobility of doctors and patients across Europe and has therefore set up a working group at the 19th EFPT Forum in Prague June 2011 whose aim is to promote knowledge and support trainees in going across borders.
An innovative exchange programme was developed. It is the first European Psychiatric Exchange Programme and it aims to promote an intercultural professional exchange and cooperation among psychiatric trainees across Europe, with a focus on individual experience.
The objectives of the EFPT Exchange Programme are to provide trainees with the opportunities to:
- Promote awareness of intercultural aspects of Psychiatry
- Engage in clinical, and/or research, and/or teaching activities
- To become acquainted with different mental health systems
- To gain experience of different illness manifestations and treatment options
- To experience a different training programme
- To socialise with peer group, promote networking and discuss coping strategies regarding work life balance