
Programme information

  1. Multidisciplinary Program In Grenoble (Adult or CAP)
  2. Adult psychiatric care: a cognitive approach

Multidisciplinary Program In Grenoble (Adult or CAP)


- description:
There is a braod specter of psychiatric activities in grenoble : 
An adult psychiatry ward
A unit specialised in mood disoredrs : outpatients, hospital unit
An old age psychiatry multidisciplinary team with a Memory Disorder Center
A Child an adolescent ward with a mobile unit
A day time hospital
ECT : Electro Convulsive Therapy
rTMS : Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Research programs
Schedule will be defined depending on what you’re the most interested in.
As you can see there are many specific units, and many different pathologies and age groups.
There are motivated senior doctors to introduce you to their specific field.
The idea is to get a global idea about french psychiatry.
If you’re interested in a specific field, you can spend more time in the ward of your will.
The idea is to adapt the program to your personal project.
- city:
- unit / hospital:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble (Teaching hospital)
- address, website:
BP 217
38 043 GRENOBLE cedex 9
Phone : +33 (0)4 76 76 75 75
- length:
3-4 weeks 
- periods available:
From july 2012 to january 20139
- requirements:
- language:
Level required: very good french understanding 
(English speaking supervisor available)
- other: 
Internship agreement (provided by the programme, to be returned signed by the trainee before 
arrival) + letter of agreement from the trainee’s head of department

Adult psychiatric care: a cognitive approach

Head of Department: Pr. Roland Jouvent
- description:
- Hospital Unit: tend to be specialized with anxious disorders, OCD, and mood disorders but open 
to any pathology. Clinical evaluation interviews, diagnostic investigation, and drug prescription 
under supervision. 9 beds. Multidisciplinary meetings every week to discuss patient’s situation.
- Practice of ECT (electroconvulsive therapy)
The program can also provide an acces to the other activities of the ward:
- Cognition and Behaviour Investigation Clinic: outpatients ‘s care, neuropsychological and cognitive 
- Consultation activity
- TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation)
- Psychodynamic interviews performed by a psychoanalyst
- Presentations on research topics and bibliography
- Center for cognitive remediation and virtual reality therapy
- city:
- unit / hospital:
Hopital La Pitié Salpétrière (teaching hospital) Unit Pinel
- address, website:
47-83, boulevard de l’Hôpital
 75013 Paris 13ème 
official website: 
- introduction:
A little taste of historical context:
- length:
2 to 4 weeks
- periods available:
all year long
- requirements:
- language:
Level required : very good french understanding 
(English speaking supervisor available)
- other:
internship agreement (provided by the programme, to be returned signed by the trainee before arrival) + letter of agreement from the trainee’s head of department

Travel information
- VISA needed: 
Check with your embassy
- travel and health insurance needed: 
Yes, you should check with the competent authority in your own country
- accommodation:
- with host:
In Grenoble : YES, at the local coordinator’s place, for 15 days if needed
In Paris: NO, finding a place to stay before arrival is highly recommended
- hospital residencies available:
In Grenoble: I’m currently working on it, there might be a place near the hospital, for a 150€ rent 
(for a month),  breakfast and lunch included
In Paris: No
- other info like rents:
Affordable hotels, youth hostels

Useful websites + miscellaneous

- national/ local trainee organisation website:

Local coordinators:

Paris: Clara Feteanu

Grenoble: Adrien Pontarollo