
Programme names:

1. General Adult Psychiatry
2. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2 positions)

Why would a psychiatrist choose to visit Turkey?

Turkey could be regarded as a country on crossroads of Asia and Europe. Corresponding to the the long history and central geographical location of the country, Turkey also has a rich history in psychiatric knowledge and practice.

Some reasons to make a brief visit in Turkey;

     to exprience working with a culturally diverse population
     to have the opportunity to conduct research in social psychiatry
     to work in an environment where family support is more effective than most of the       European countries: as most of the patients with psychiatric disorders live with their   families, the ratio of homeless psychiatric patients is low.
     to make an input in the process of development of the new community-based psychiatry services, by sharing the experiences from her/his own country.
     to work with a large sample and high varieties of patients, as there are high numbers of patients per a psychiatrist.
     to experience an institutional setting where legal organisations and sanctions are less determined by insurance systems. 

1. General Adult Psychiatry

    The clinic is composed of an inpatient and an outpatient unit. The inpatient unit with 28 beds has a patient turnover rate of 180-200 per year. The inpatient unit also provides daily care for an additional five patients whenever needed. It serves as a half-open psychiatry clinic where patients are allowed to leave the clinic during the day hours under the supervision of nurses, interns, and their relatives. However, in case of need, the outdoors/indoors can be temporarily locked. In the inpatient unit, the staff members and the patients organise their own entertainment meetings one day each week. There is also a lounge where the patients watch TV, play games, drink their beverages and attend good morning meetings aimed to increase the interaction among them. There is also an activity room where the patients can paint, knit or perform other kinds of handwork activities under the supervision of an expert.

     The mean duration of hospitalisation in the inpatient unit of the department of psychiatry is around 3-5 weeks. This reflects a diagnosis and acute treatment-oriented approach of the caregivers. In the inpatient unit there is an electroconvulsive treatment (ECT) application room. The number of patients receiving ECT treatment per year is around 30 and the average of ECT courses per patient is between 8-14. Bilateral application of ECT is carried out under anaesthesia. The outpatient unit offers special services for bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety and a consultation-liaison program. The faculty members apply a regular training program for trainees. The department also holds regular meetings for brainstorming, reading recently published articles and seminars on several important issues.


      Dokuz Eylul University, School of Medicine, Department of  Psychiatry
      Balcova, Izmir

      2-4 weeks

Periods available 
     Optional. All year is available.

     Language: Turkish may be useful to communicate with patients. Most of the trainees and the other staff can speak English, so fluent English is needed.

Travel information
    - VISA needed: No. Check out the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    - travel and health insurance needed: YES 
    - accommodation:
            - with host: YES
            - hospital residencies available: NO
            - other:  We can help you to find low-priced accommodation. We can try to find       places (other psychiatric trainees would like to host you),  if you  want to do couchsurfing.

Useful website


        Local coordinator: Deniz Ceylan
        E-mail: denizceylandr@gmail.com

        Supervisor: Berna Binnur Akdede, MD, Prof
        E-mail: binnur.kivircik@deu.edu.tr

        National Coordinator: Necip Çapraz
        E-mail: necipcapraz@gmail.com



    Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) In-patient Unit of Dokuz Eylul University Hospital of School of Medicine is one of the three institutions which give inpatient mental health service in the child and adolescent psychiatry discipline in Turkey. In our unit, patient admission has started since November 2005. We accept patients between 0 to 18 years old. However, most of the patients which are admitted to the unit are consisted of adolescent age group. The unit has 10 beds and plus 5 daily care patients capacity. The patients are mostly from Aegean region and the patients referred from many parts of the country can also be accepted to the unit.

    Admission criteria are mainly, diagnostic clarification, treatment planning for severe psychiatric states, crises intervention, and forensic mental health assessment. On the other hand, the psychopathologies that need highly secure accommodation (such as substance abuse-dependency, severe disruptive behavioral problems, high risk of self harm) and organic medical conditions that need extra nursing care and medical assistance are not accepted to the unit.   

   Our CAMHS in-patient unit provides a multidisciplinary and multi-model treatment service based on psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and family psychotherapies, pharmacotherapy and educational therapies. These treatment services are presented in a therapeutic community setting based on peer group and peer relations. The treatment team is consisted of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, teachers and nurses. The young people in the unit are treated with multi-model treatment via the scheduled programs for weekdays and weekends. The average duration of stay in the unit is determined as 8-10 weeks. This duration can change according to the need of the child and the adolescent. The team consists of two consultant child and adolescent psychiatrists, three child and adolescent psychiatry trainees, one or two psychologist, six nurses, one educational specialist and one social worker. We are very happy if you join our team.


      Dokuz Eylul University, School of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psyciatry
      Balçova, İzmir

      2-4 weeks

Periods available
     January - March is available

      Language: If you know a bit Turkish, you will feel better, but not an obligatory. Fluent English is needed.

Travel information
     - VISA needed: NO Check out the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
     - Travel and health insurance needed: YES
     - Accommodation:
            - with host: Yes. Maybe we can find in this duration.
            - hospital residencies available: No
            - other info like rents: You can find hotels in appropriate fee near hospital and we plan another places which university students stay with a little fee or free. If you prefer doing couchsurfing, we can try.

Useful websites


 Local coordinator: Mert Besenek
       E-Mail: mbesenek@yahoo.co.uk

       Supervisor: Şahbal Aras, MD, Prof 
       E-mail: sahbal.aras@deu.edu.tr

      National Coordinator: Necip Çapraz
       E-mail: necipcapraz@gmail.com


     Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Inpatient Unit of Ege  University Hospital of Medical Faculty is one of the three institutions which give inpatient mental health service in the child and adolescent psychiatry discipline in Turkey. We accept patients between 0 to 18 years old. Commonly seen disorders in unit are psychotic disorders and bipolar disorder. Most of the patients which are admitted to the unit are consisted of adolescent age group. The unit has 12 beds capacity. The patients are mostly from Aegean region but patients from other regions are being accepted.

    Admission criteria are mainly diagnostic clarification, intervention for severe psychiatric conditions and forensic mental health assessment.

   The treatment team is consisted of consultant psychiatrists, trainees, psychologists, psychotherapists and nurses. The average duration of stay in the unit is determined as 2-6 weeks. This duration can change according to the need of the child and the adolescent. The team consists of two consultant child and adolescent psychiatrists, three child and adolescent psychiatry trainees, two psychologist, six nurses, one educational specialist and one social worker. Due to being one of three hospital which are giving mental health service in our country, our clinic application and admission number is high. We are very happy if you join our team.


       Ege  University, School of Medicine, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department
       Bornova , Izmir

      2-4 weeks
Periods available
      Except June, July, August whole year is available, but to be better we recommend you to contact with local coordinator.

      Language: English

Travel information
      - VISA needed: NO. Check out the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
      - travel and health insurance needed: YES 
      - accommodation:
            - with host: NO. There is no available beds which addressed for this programme. It will be better for you to accommodate your place. Our clinical stuffs and traniees may help you to get one.
            - hospital residencies available: NO

Useful websites


      Local coordinator: Burak Baytunca
      E-mail: baytunca@yahoo.com

      Supervisor: Burcu Ozbaran , MD, Assoc. Prof
      E-mail: drbbeker@yahoo.com

      National Coordinator: Necip Çapraz
                                                      E-mail: necipcapraz@gmail.com

Exchange Team Turkey - 2013
(left to right: DC, NÇ, GÖ)